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抖音上很火的音乐Chilly歌词 Chilly歌曲在线试听地址

2018/6/7 10:34:25 酷狗音乐



  Do you ever think about me?

  When she ain’t around,is your bed cold without me?

  Does her love feel just the same?

  Is she the one to take your last name?

  Whatever the case,I’m glad you’re happy

  There ain’t nothin’ for me out here

  Technicolor sparks fly in this city but not for me,maybe next year

  Magic air,charmin’ lips but I’m never spellbound

  Honestly though,I’m glad you found her

  I’ll stop asking questions,you take care

  And no,I don’t want you back

  We’ve grown older and apart

  Rediscovered myself,took back my heart

  Moved to a new city where I should be restartin’

  But I just feel nothing

  Though something could grow

  I don’t ever let it take root,oh

  Possibility all round me

  But I don’t give a shit,yeah

  Numb to the bone,been so long

  Since the love bug bit


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